Course Catalogs

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2024-2025 Course Catalog


History-Social Science Education (B.A., B.S.)


Core History Courses

24 hours

History-Social Science Education Major (82-88 hours)

HIST 1010FYW Topics in United States History to 1877 or
HIST 1020FYW United States Society and Culture Since 1877

4 hours

HIST 1110 World Civilizations

4 hours

HIST 2170 Body, Mind, Spirit: The Understanding of the Self in Western Culture or
HIST 2180 Science and Religion in Western Tradition

4 hours

HIST 2560 Indigenous History

4 hours

Research Methods: HIST 2800 Historical Methods

4 hours

HIST 4650 Topics in Nebraska History

4 hours

History Electives

12 hours

Students must take 12 credit hours of history electives. Select one course from each section below. Of the electives, at least 8 credit hours must be at the 4000-level.


World History Elective: 

4 hours

European History Elective:

4 hours

General History Elective:
Choose any history course(s).

4 hours

Sociology/Anthropology Courses

8 hours

Select either two ANTHR courses or two SOC courses, as outlined below:


ANTHR 1100 Introduction to Anthropology and
ANTHR elective


SOC 1110 Introduction to Sociology and
SOC 1330/SOC 2330 Race Relations and Minority Groups

8 hours

Other Social Science Courses

26 hours

ECON 1530 Macroeconomic Principles

3 hours

ECON 1540 Microeconomic Principles

3 hours

GEOG 1510 Physical Geography

3 hours

GEOG 1520 Cultural Geography

3 hours

POLSC 1010 United States Government and Politics or POLSC 1010FYW United States Government and Politics

4 hours

POLSC 2200 Race and Politics

4 hours

PSYCH 1010FYW Introduction to Psychological Science

4 hours

PSYCH elective

2 hours

Education Methods

3 hours

EDUC 3640 Methods for Teaching Social Sciences in 7-12

3 hours

Capstone Courses

9-15 hours

HIST 4940 History Capstone

1 hour

Student Teaching and Seminar: EDUC 4870 Supervised Teaching in the Secondary School and EDUC 4990 Student Teaching Seminar

8-15 hours