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2024-2025 Course Catalog

Graduate Admissions

Nebraska Wesleyan University takes seriously its commitment to build a culture of inclusive excellence and its obligation to eliminate structural barriers to graduate education. All graduate programs use holistic admissions review processes to consider the ways an applicant might contribute to a diverse educational environment. Application review includes metrics that are both noncognitive (e.g., letter of intent, letter of recommendation, extracurricular activities, work experience) and cognitive (e.g., academic transcripts, standardized test scores, writing samples, undergraduate GPA).

Minimum Requirements for Admission

Admission to graduate programs is determined by each individual graduate program, yet all applicants must meet the following general eligibility requirements of Nebraska Wesleyan University

  • Applicants must have earned at least a bachelor’s degree from a regionally accredited college in the United States or a comparable degree from a recognized institution of higher learning abroad. Applicants enrolled in the final year of a bachelor’s degree will be admitted conditionally pending receipt of final academic credentials showing the undergraduate degree as conferred
  • Established acceptable English skills based on their undergraduate coursework, or via a standardized examination such as the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL), the International English Language Testing System (IELTS), or the Duolingo English Test.
  • Applicants must demonstrate a capacity for academic achievement through past academic (e.g., minimum GPA requirements) or professional work experience

Applicants who do not meet the generally eligibility requirements or the graduate admission requirements of their specific program may be approved for admission with Provisional Graduate Standing. A student who is admitted with provisional status may qualify for full status admission after earning a grade of B- or better in each of the student’s first three graduate courses. 

Additionally, all applicants must submit the following materials with their online application: 

  • Online Graduate Application
  • Academic credentials (i.e., academic transcripts) from all post-secondary institutions attended
  • Any required fees

Most graduate programs will also require additional materials to be submitted with the graduate application, such as letters of recommendation, a personal statement, resume, or writing sample. These requirements may vary by program and applicants should consult the requirements listed on their proposed program of study websites. 

The Admission Process

Early submission of all graduate application materials is encouraged.

  • Applicants must apply online, pay any required fees, and submit all required admissions materials by the application deadline of their program of interest.
    • Applicants are strongly encouraged to submit unofficial transcripts with the application to decrease processing time.
    • Applicants are responsible for making sure all application materials are received by the Office of Admissions by the required deadlines.
    • All application materials, including transcripts, become the property of the Nebraska Wesleyan University and may not be released to the applicant or any individual.
  • Once an application is complete, graduate admissions reviews the materials submitted to ensure the applicant has met the minimum admissions standards established by Nebraska Wesleyan University and has included all admissions materials required of the graduate program department.
  • The application is then forwarded to the appropriate graduate program for a final recommendation regarding the admission or denial of the application.
  • Applicants will receive an email with a decision letter outlining their admission status and any conditions that must be satisfied to matriculate into a degree program.
  • Students who are admitted to a Nebraska Wesleyan graduate program must then follow the directions outlined in the decision letter to accept their offer of admission. Students who do not accept admission will not be able to enroll in courses.
  • The admission process is completed upon enrollment and matriculation in graduate-level courses for the specified term and degree/certificate program indicated on the decision letter.

Graduate Admissions Deadlines

Graduate school admission deadlines vary by academic program and may include rolling admissions or deadlines throughout the year. Students are encouraged to consult the program-specific graduate handbook for information about admissions requirements and any submission deadlines for their academic program.  

Appeal of Admissions Decision

Students who have been denied admission may appeal the decision of the program review committee provided there is substantial new information that the committee was not aware of at the time of the initial decision. Applicants should not appeal to have their application materials reviewed a second time. Students must complete the Admissions Appeal Form and include all new material to be considered. Appeals will be heard by the Graduate Curriculum and Standards Committee. The decision of this committee is final. 

Deferred Enrollment

A person who has accepted the admissions offer into a master's degree program yet has not begun classes, who now wishes to delay or decline the admissions offer, must declare these intentions to their program director in writing. Deferrals must be approved before the first day of classes for the term in which the student was originally accepted. If approval is not granted, students who wish to join the program at a later date will need to reapply. Students may only defer once per application and for no longer than one year from the original application term. 

If the request is approved, the applicant will be granted inactive status for up to one academic year. If within the year the applicant wants to reactivate his or her acceptance in the program, a new background check (if applicable) will be needed, but a new application is not required. After the one year, admission to the program is void and the applicant must re-apply unless they have applied for and been granted an extension of their inactive status. When re-applying, all application policies and procedures in place at the time will be required.

Transfer Credit

Graduate-level credits from regionally-accredited institutions, with grades of “B-” or better, are transferable, as deemed appropriate by the program and Graduate Dean at Nebraska Wesleyan University.

Students in the MSN program are limited to a maximum of nine transfer nursing credits. Students in the MSN/MBA program are limited to a maximum of nine transfer nursing credits and a maximum of three transfer business credits.

Students in the MSW program are limited to a maximum of nine transfer credits, excluding practicum or any courses in the specialized curriculum.

Transfer credits count toward the total number of hours earned but are not included in GPA calculations. No graduate transfer credits are given for courses with a grade of “C+” or lower or the equivalent.

Student Admission Status

An applicant’s acceptance into a specific graduate degree is made by the admission committee for each program, consistent with all applicable policies of Nebraska Wesleyan University. At the time of admission, students are classified as degree-seeking or non-degree seeking. 

Degree-Seeking Students

Degree-seeking students are those who are enrolled, either part- or full-time in a graduate degree or certificate program. Students who meet all admission requirements set by the University and the specific graduate program are classified as having full graduate standing. This classification allows students to matriculate into graduate program with no outstanding admissions requirements. 

Students who do not meet one or more of the admission requirements may be approved for provisional graduate standing if, based on the judgment of the program’s admission committee, they have the potential to successfully complete graduate work. Unless other arrangements are made prior to enrollment, students who are admitted provisionally must adhere to the conditions stipulated in their admission letter. Failure to complete the requirements will automatically revoke the student’s admission. 

Non-Degree Applicants

At the discretion of graduate program directors, students who have received a baccalaureate degree from a regionally accredited institution (or international equivalent) are eligible to enroll in graduate classes as a graduate non-degree-seeking student without being formally admitted into a graduate program. Graduate non-degree-seeking students are not eligible for federal financial aid or any other institutional awards. 

There are several restrictions and conditions that apply to students who register with non-degree status. A non-degree student:

  • must complete at least one credit of enrollment in the current or previous three semesters
  • must apply to the degree program for admission and pay the application fee if they wish to become a degree-seeking student
  • is limited to taking fewer than 6 hours per semester, which means they are not considered to be full-time for most purposes
  • may have limits on transferring credit if subsequently admitted to and enrolled in a degree program
  • may have limits on transferring credit if subsequently admitted to and enrolled in a degree program

Graduate Certificate Students

Nebraska Wesleyan offers several graduate certificates The graduate certificate is not defined as a degree by the Nebraska Wesleyan University. Rather, it is a focused collection of courses that, when completed, affords the student some record of coherent academic accomplishment in a given discipline or set of related disciplines. Moreover, the graduate certificate is not viewed as a guaranteed means of entry into a graduate degree program. While the courses composing a graduate certificate may be used as evidence in support of a student’s application for admission to a graduate degree program, the certificate itself is not considered to be a prerequisite. Graduate certificate students are only permitted to register for courses within the certificate’s program of study. Graduate certificate students do not meet the eligibility requirements for financial aid.