Course Catalogs

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2024-2025 Course Catalog

English as a Second Language (ESL) Supplemental Certification Endorsement Grades K-6, 7-12, and K-12


English as a Second Language (ESL) Supplemental Certification Endorsement Grades K-6, 7-12, and K-12 (15-17 hours)

Required Courses 15-17 hours

EDUC 2500 English Language Learners in the 21st Century Classroom

3 hours
EDUC 3500 Curriculum and Assessment for Teaching English Language Learners
3 hours
EDUC 3510 Methods for Teaching English Language Learners 3 hours
ENG 2510 Introduction to Linguistics or
ENG 3530 Studies in Linguistics
2 or 4 hours
COMM 1510 Intercultural Communication 4 hours

Applicants must present competence in a foreign language equivalent to two (2) semesters of post secondary foreign language coursework or two (2) years of high school foreign language.