Course Catalogs

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2024-2025 Course Catalog


Business-Sociology (B.S.)

The business-sociology degree combines courses in business, accounting and economics with courses in sociology and anthropology.

Required Courses

39-42 hours

Business-Sociology Major (B.S., 52-56 hours)

SOC 1110 Introduction to Sociology

4 hours

SOC 1330/SOC 2330 Race Relations and Minority Groups

4 hours

SOC 3370 Social Inequality

4 hours

SOC 3920 Social Theory

4 hours

SOC 3930 Quantitative Research Methods

4 hours

SOC 3940 Qualitative Research Methods

4 hours

Take two from the following:
SOC 3520 Group Dynamics or
BUSAD 2500 Principles of Management or
BUSAD 3200 Human Resource Management

6-8 hours

ACCT 1310 Principles of Accounting I

3 hours

ECON 1530 Macroeconomic Principles or
ECON 1540 Microeconomic Principles

3 hours

Statistics course (Choose from:)

3-4 hours


10-11 hours

Select three courses from the following and/or from courses not taken from above requirements. No more than two courses may be from one discipline.

BUSAD 2000 Principles of Marketing

BUSAD 2700 Business Law I

BUSAD 3000 Organizational Behavior

BUSAD 4100 Advanced Human Resource Management

BUSAD 4700 Entrepreneurship

SOC 1350/SOC 2350 Sociology of the Family

SOC 2530 Population and Environment

SOC 3540/SOC 4540 Urban Communities

10-11 hours


3 hours

SOC 4970 Internship or BUSAD 4970 Business Internship or
SOC 4990 Thesis

3 hours