Course Catalogs

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2024-2025 Course Catalog


Theatre Arts Education (B.A.)

This degree program is geared for the person who wishes to teach theatre arts in a secondary school where the focus of teaching responsibilities is primarily theatre classes. Different than a language arts education degree, this program can lead to a supplemental endorsement in secondary theatre education when combined with a primary area endorsement.

In addition to pursuing a well-rounded theatre curriculum, we encourage theatre education students to work closely with faculty as members in all areas of production to gain foundational knowledge and skills in those areas they'll teach and supervise as theatre educators: acting, directing, costuming, scenography, playwriting, theatre history and management.


Required Courses

45 hours

Theatre Arts Education Major (B.A., 84 hours)

THTRE 1020FYW/THTRE 1030 Script Analysis

3 hours

THTRE 1300 Acting I

3 hours

THTRE 1310 Acting II

3 hours

THTRE 1400 Introduction to Technical Theatre

3 hours

THTRE 1410 Costume Construction

3 hours

THTRE 1420 Makeup Design

3 hours

THTRE 1810FYW/THTRE 2810 Playwriting I

3 hours

THTRE 2340 Voice for the Stage

3 hours

THTRE 2500 Directing I

3 hours

THTRE 2700 Introduction to Theatrical Design

3 hours

THTRE 3500 Directing II

3 hours

THTRE 3800 World Theatre History I

3 hours

THTRE 3810 World Theatre History II

3 hours

Select 6 hours of Dramatic Literature:

6 hours

Professional Education Courses

25 hours

EDUC 1010 Introduction to Education in the United States

2 hours

EDUC 1750 Field Experience

1 hour

EDUC 2050 Human Development and Learning I and
EDUC 2050L Human Development and Learning I Laboratory

2 hours

EDUC 2060 Human Development and Learning II

2 hours

EDUC 2850 Education in a Pluralistic Society

3 hours

EDUC 2870 Instructional Technology

3 hours

EDUC 3130 Educational Assessments: Secondary

3 hours

EDUC 3350 General Secondary Methods

2 hours

EDUC 3360 General Secondary Methods Lab

1 hour

SPED 3070 Methods for Teaching Secondary Students with Disabilities

3 hours

THTRE 3240 or
EDUC 3240 Methods for Teaching Communication and Theatre Arts in 7-12

3 hours


14 hours

EDUC 4870 Supervised Teaching in the Secondary School