Course Catalogs

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2024-2025 Course Catalog


Political Science (B.A., B.S.)

The choice of a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree is available to political science majors. If a student has a second major, the degree choice may be determined by the other major.


Core Courses

36 hours

Political Science Major (B.A. or B.S., 40 hours)

POLSC 1010 United States Government and Politics or POLSC 1010FYW United States Government and Politics

4 hours

POLSC 1100 Introduction to International Politics

4 hours

POLSC 2000 Introduction to Political Science Statistics

4 hours

POLSC 2300 Introduction to Political Science

2 hours

POLSC 3010 Research Methods: Qualitative Research

2 hours

POLSC 3020 Research Methods: Quantitative Research

2 hours

American Politics area (select from the following):

6 hours

International Politics area (select from the following):

6 hours

Political Science Electives:
Select 6 hours of political science courses. 4 hours must be at the 3000- or 4000-level.
Note: When selecting electives, keep in mind that a minimum of 12 hours of upper level courses are required in the major.

6 hours


4 hours

POLSC 4990A Senior Seminar and POLSC 4990B Senior Seminar
In some cases, senior research may be completed instead through a project undertaken in conjunction with POLSC 2970 Internship.

4 hours


Required Minor


Political Science majors must also complete one or more minors. Students pursuing a double major may substitute their second major for the minor requirement.


** Minimum 12 hours of 3000-4000 level work must be completed in major. Make sure to work with advisor to check that all upper-level hours are completed in plan.