Course Catalogs

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2016-2017 Course Catalog


Global Studies (B.A., B.S.)


Core Requirements 21-22 hours
Global Studies Major (B.A. or B.S., 50-62 hours)
ANTHR 1150 Cultural Anthropology 4 hours
ARH 1000 Masterpieces of World Art,
ARH 1010 Art and Society in the West: Ancient to Medieval,
ARH 1020 Art and Society in the West: Renaissance to Modern, or
ARH 1030 Survey of Non-Western Art History
3 hours
BIO 3500 Conservation Biology or
PHYS 1200 Energy and the Global Environment
3-4 hours
HIST 1110 World Civilizations: A Survey of the Global Twentieth Century 4 hours
POLSC 1100 Introduction to International Politics 4 hours
RELIG 1150 World Religions 3 hours
Modern Language Requirement 6-12 hours

Students are expected to meet a modern language requirement. Please see the Global Studies Department for more details.

Students studying abroad in countries with a language other than those taught at Nebraska Wesleyan may fulfill the language requirement by completing MFREN 2020, MSPAN 2020 or MGRMN 2020 in addition to two semesters (or its equivalent) of a second modern language not taught at Nebraska Wesleyan University.

Students who wish to fulfill their language requirement through an intensive language program outside of Nebraska Wesleyan should consult with the program director.

Research Method Requirement (choose one of the following:) 3-8 hours
COMM 3500 Research Methods (4 hours)  
ENG 4980 Ways of Reading: Theory and Practice (4 hours)  
HIST 2400 Collective Memory and the Historian’s Craft (4 hours)  
POLSC 2000 Introduction to Statistics and SPSS and
POLSC 3010 Research Methods I: Design/Qualitative Methods or POLSC 3020 Research Methods II: Quantitative Methods/Project Implementation (5 hours)
PSYCH 2100 Psychological Statistics and
PSYCH 2110 Research Methods in Psychology (8 hours)
SOC 3960 Quantitative Research Methods or
SOC 3970 Qualitative Research Methods (3 hours)
Global Studies majors may also take a 4-credit research methods course in the History department, the thematic focus of which varies from year to year. For more details, please contact the chair of the History department.  
Emphasis Area 12 hours
Select one emphasis area. Courses must be from at least three disciplines.  
Asia (12 hours from the following):  
Latin America (12 hours from the following):  
Foreign Policy (12 hours from the following):  
Industrialized Nations (12 hours from the following):  
Development Studies 12 hours
Senior Comprehensive 3 hours
Senior thesis in an appropriate department with approval of the global studies chair or GLST 4990 Interdisciplinary Thesis, Interdisciplinary Thesis.  
Electives 0-6 hours

Electives to complete 47 hours, in addition to 3 hours of thesis, are to be chosen from modern language courses, emphasis area courses not used for the emphasis, and other courses as approved by the Global Studies chair, including SOC 2530 Population and Environment, SOC 3530/SOC 4530 Environment, Food, and You; GLST 2410 Experiencing the Culture of Japan; GEND 3410/ENG 3410 Women Writing Across Cultures; THTRE 2200 International Cinema. Selected topics courses may count in emphasis areas with approval of the Global Studies chair. Courses that are prerequisites for those listed in emphasis areas may also be counted as electives toward the major requirement with the approval of the Global Studies chair.

Study Abroad  
Global Studies majors are required to study abroad for at least one semester in an approved program (12 or more credit hours). Courses taken abroad may count for the Global Studies major. The student should consult in advance with the Director of International Education and with the Global Studies chair to ensure that course work will be transferable.