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2024-2025 Course Catalog

THTRE 3800 World Theatre History I

3 hours


An integral factor in the study of the history of theatre is the impact that governments, democratic or otherwise, have on the development and sustenance of the arts. World Theatre History I is a Writing-Instructive course that covers early theatre through the Renaissance, so will investigate principles and ideals of Athenian democracy associated with Classical Greece, republican Rome, and the Italian republics of the early Renaissance, as well as more authoritarian forms of rule in early civilizations in India, China, Japan, and Meso-America.  Key questions will include: In what ways are artistic freedoms and practices linked to structures of governance?  How has theatre over time been a force for political change? Why does theatre flourish in some democracies (and in some authoritarian governments) and not in others? 
Prerequisite(s): POLSC 1010 United States Government and Politics/POLSC 1010FYW United States Government and Politics or HIST 1020 United States Society and Culture Since 1877 or  PHIL 2400 Social-Political Philosophy or THTRE 1010 Theatre Appreciation or THTRE 1020FYW Script Analysis or THTRE 1030 Script Analysis.
(Normally offered on even fall semesters.)