This course will emphasize the integration and application of theories, principles, and practices of nursing management and leadership into a variety of healthcare settings. The course includes a 45-contact hour practicum. The practicum provides an opportunity for students to evaluate and assimilate management and leadership theories and principles for integration in the practice of professional nursing.
3 hours lecture; 1 hour practicum.
Pre or corequisite(s): NURS 3050 Leadership and Issues in Professional Nursing Practice and NURS 3310 Nursing Theories and Contemporary Nursing Practice with grades of "C" or better.
NURS 3050 Leadership and Issues in Professional Nursing Practice (3 hours)
This course introduces professional nursing concepts, competencies, and issues in the context of the history of nursing's scope of practice within the collaborative environment of the United States healthcare system. The course will emphasize nursing leadership concepts and theories used in a variety of clinical settings.
Prerequisite(s): Admission to the Nursing Program.
NURS 3310 Nursing Theories and Contemporary Nursing Practice (3 hours)
This course introduces the student to nursing theories as the foundation for nursing practice. Coursework includes examination of the theoretical and conceptual basis of nursing to encourage the student to critique, evaluate and utilize appropriate theory within their own practice. The relationship of theory to nursing practice is examined. Historical, legal, cultural, and social factors that influence nursing are discussed. Course is over 8-week period.
Prerequisite(s): Admission to BSN program and junior standing.
Archway Curriculum: Essential Connections: Writing Instructive