Graduate Financial Information
Tuition and Fees
Tuition for all graduate courses is charged on a per-hour tuition rate. Fees are assessed for specific courses to pay for additional costs of the course and/or program, and are not refundable.
Complete, up-to-date information on tuition and fees is located under Registration/Class Schedules.
Payment Policy
Tuition and fees are due at the beginning of each course. Payment or arrangements for payment can be made in one or more of the following ways:
- Payment in full. Students can make payment in full by cash, check, or credit card.
- Scheduled tuition payments. See below under Monthly Payment Plan.
If payment is not received or arrangements are not made by the payment deadline, a $40 late fee is assessed. Additionally, students may be administratively withdrawn and will be charged 10% of the tuition and 100% of fees that apply to their registration.
Enrollment in subsequent semesters will not be allowed until financial obligations have been met. All financial obligations should be met in order for students to be entitled to an official transcript of their academic record.
Students leaving the University whose accounts are not paid in full may have their accounts turned to a collection agency and these students are responsible for all reasonable collection costs.
Monthly and Deferred Payment Plan
Nebraska Wesleyan University offers both a monthly and deferred payment plan to help students budget the cost of education. The monthly plan divides the cost of tuition and fees into monthly installments. No interest is charged, but a service fee is added. The plan may cover any portion of costs up to full tuition and fees.
Students who are reimbursed by the employer after completing a class may wish to use the deferred payment plan. Contact the Business Office for details.
Refund Policy
Nebraska Wesleyan’s refund policy for the traditional semester is below. Refunds for students in courses offered in accelerated or other alternatively scheduled terms are figured using this schedule on a prorated basis. Refund policies for specific terms are included in the class schedule for that term.
Tuition Refund Schedule | Percent of Semester Rate to be Refunded |
During the First Week | 90% |
During the Second Week | 80% |
During the Third Week | 60% |
During the Fourth Week | 40% |
During the Fifth Week | 20% |
If individuals believe extenuating circumstances merit a departure from the tuition refund schedule, they may appeal in writing to the Academic Affairs Office for special consideration.
Title IV Refund Calculation Policy
The Higher Education Amendment of 1998 established a new procedure for the return of Title IV Federal Student Aid when a student who is receiving Title IV aid withdraws from college before the end of a semester. The new Return of Title IV Funds policy follows:
The Financial Aid Office will determine the Title IV Federal Student Aid refund percentage based upon the student withdrawal information on file in the Registrar’s Office. The number of days enrolled will include weekends but will not include scheduled breaks which are five days or longer.
If a student who has been awarded a federal loan and/or grant does not officially withdraw and fails to earn a passing grade in at least one course over an entire semester, the institution must assume, for Title IV purposes, that the student has unofficially withdrawn, unless the institution can document that the student completed the semester. Federal regulations require a Title IV refund calculation must be processed by the Director of Scholarships and Financial Aid.
If there is a balance due on tuition and fees after the return of Title IV Federal Student Aid, the student will be responsible for the balance due.
Military Activation Policy
In the event a student is called to active state or federal military duty* during a term in which he or she is enrolled at Nebraska Wesleyan, enrollment and related issues will be handled as follows:
Enrollment and Tuition/Fees
The following options are available to the student for the current term(s) he or she is enrolled:
- Ask for an administrative withdrawal from all courses in which enrolled. A full refund of tuition and mandatory fees will be given.
- Remain enrolled in all courses in order to complete course work off campus by the end of the term. Students must discuss with and receive approval from all instructors to ensure this is possible. Full assessment of tuition and mandatory fees remains in intact.
- Remain enrolled in all courses in order to be assigned Incomplete grades that will be completed within one year from the end of the term. Normally at least 75% of coursework must be completed in order to be eligible for an Incomplete grade. Students must discuss with and receive approval from all instructors for this option. Full assessment of tuition and mandatory fees remains in intact.
- A combination of the above-mentioned options.
If a student submits her or his activation orders or letter from the commander outlining the required military duty, but does not make clear which of the above options he or she is selecting, the Executive Committee may administratively withdraw the student from all courses.
Room and Board
A student leaving his or her Nebraska Wesleyan housing unit due to military activation will not be assessed the fee for breaking the housing contract. The student will be refunded room and board fees on a prorated basis for the time remaining in the semester.
Federal and Institutional Financial Aid
When a Title IV eligible student withdraws because of military activation, Nebraska Wesleyan University will perform the Return of Title IV Funds calculations that are required by the statute and regulations. If necessary, NWU will return funds to one or more of the Title IV programs.
A student being administratively withdrawn due to military activation may have his or her institutional financial aid cancelled and removed from his or her account. The Director of Financial Aid will make appropriate determinations on a case by case basis.
*The student will provide to the Registrar’s Office a copy of her or his activation orders or letter from the commander outlining the required military duty. This policy, with appropriate documentation, also applies to a student who is the spouse or domestic partner of a member of the military who is called to active military service, if the student has a dependent child.
Financial Aid
Graduate students may apply for Federal Direct Loan assistance.
Application Procedures
Students accepted for admission who wish to apply for financial assistance must submit the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) and list Nebraska Wesleyan University, Title IV School Code 002555, as a recipient.
Unsubsidized Federal Direct Loans
A student who is not eligible for a Subsidized Federal Stafford Loan may borrow through the Unsubsidized Federal Stafford Loan program. Graduate students may borrow up to the cost of attendance or $20,500, whichever is less. An origination and federal default fee may be deducted from the proceeds of the loan. The student borrower is responsible for interest on the loan during in-school, grace, and deferment periods. Interest may be paid quarterly by the borrower or capitalized and added to the principal balance at the time of repayment. Repayment begins six months after graduating, withdrawing, or dropping below halftime status.
Standards and Regulations
Financial Aid Policy for Repeating Courses
The first and second time a student enrolls in a course, the course will be considered eligible hours for federal financial aid. However, the third time a student repeats a course for which he/she received a passing grade of D or better, the repeated credit hours will be ineligible for federal financial aid calculations, regardless of whether or not the student was receiving financial aid the first and second time they enrolled in the course. (Note: Graduate students will be dismissed if repeating the same course a second time with less than a B-.)
A student may repeat classes with failing grades (F) and receive financial aid.
Satisfactory Academic Progress Policy for Federal, State, and Institutional Aid
The federal government requires that institutions of higher education establish minimum standards of academic success for students to remain eligible to receive federal and state financial aid (Federal Pell Grant, F.S.E.O.G., Federal TEACH Grant, Federal Work Study, Federal Perkins Loans, Subsidized and Unsubsidized Federal Direct Loans, Federal Direct PLUS Loans, Nebraska Opportunity Grant). Nebraska Wesleyan University will follow these same guidelines for the awarding of institutional aid as well.
Graduate Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) is maintained by meeting the following standards:
- Qualitative – a student must have the following cumulative grade point average as follows: 2.67
- Incremental – the total number of credit hours earned divided by the total number of credit hours attempted (including transfer hours) must be at least 67%.
- Overall – the maximum time for a student to complete their degree is 150% of the standard.
The guidelines are established to encourage students to successfully complete courses for which financial aid is awarded and received. Successful completion is defined as receiving a passing grade (not an “F”). Courses transferred from other institutions will be included in the number of semester hours earned and attempted. Courses with grades of “W”, “I”, or “F” are counted as hours attempted.
Nebraska Wesleyan University will check SAP for students at the conclusion of the academic year (spring semester).
If at the end of the academic year a student does not meet the SAP requirements, the student will have their financial aid suspended. The Financial Aid Office will notify the student by NWU email. A notice may also be mailed to the student’s most recent permanent mailing address.
Students in suspension may appeal their status by submitting a letter of explanation, and any supporting documentation, to the Director of Scholarships and Financial Aid by NWU email or postal mail. The letter of appeal should contain what the significant mitigating circumstances were that impacted the student’s ability to succeed (i.e. – serious illness or injury of the student, death or illness of a close relative or friend, etc.) The appeal should also contain what the student learned from the situation, steps they have taken to make sure the circumstances will no longer impact the student’s academic success, and an academic plan of how they will regain satisfactory academic progress by the next evaluation. A letter of support from their academic advisor or other faculty member concerning the student’s ability to succeed would be beneficial as part of the appeal process. Filing a letter of appeal does not guarantee continued eligibility for federal, state, or institutional financial aid.
If a student’s appeal is granted, the student will be notified by NWU email and given a probationary semester. For the probationary semester the student may be considered academically eligible for federal, state, and institutional financial aid.
If an appeal is denied, the student will be notified by NWU email. A notice may also be mailed to the student’s most recent permanent mailing address. The decision is final for that semester. The student may re-establish eligibility once they meet satisfactory academic progress requirements.
State Authorization
Nebraska Wesleyan University is authorized by the State of Nebraska operate educational programs. Approval from the State of Nebraska is maintained by the Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education. If a student has a complaint about Nebraska Wesleyan University they may contact:
Coordinating Commission for Postsecondary Education
140 N. 8th Street, Suite 300
PO Box 95005
Lincoln, NE 68509-5005
Phone: 402-471-2847
Fax: 402-471-2886