Course Catalogs

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2024-2025 Course Catalog

THTRE 3680 Musical Theatre History

3 hours

Majors, Minors & Degrees:


Survey of musical theatre history and musical theatre music and dramatic literature 1800 to the present day. As the course is designed primarily for musical theatre majors, primary emphasis will be given to musical theatre history in the United States. Students will consider examples of continental operetta of the 18th C. early 19th C. late 19th C. (including Gilbert & Sullivan), each decade in the 20th C. as well as contemporary developments. Students will also critically analyze the specific elements of musical theatre, articulate differences between musical theatre styles and explore the diverse cultures that created and continue to form the art form. Designed to familiarize students with the tenets and challenges of historical inquiry and question the role art plays in a democracy. THTRE 3680 Musical Theatre History is a required course for the BFA in Musical Theatre.

Prerequisite(s): THTRE 1650 Musical Theatre I