Course Catalogs

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2024-2025 Course Catalog

THTRE 3160 Theatre Management

3 hours


This speaking-instructive course provides an in depth look at all the aspects of starting and running a non-profit theatre from the ground up. The first part provides a survey of the field of arts administration and introduces nonprofit governance including incorporation, mission development, and roles and responsibilities of boards of directors. The second part examines the relationship between the arts and law, including contracts, license fees, copyrights, intellectual property, and royalties. The third part of the course provides the students with audience development techniques and fundraising models. Finally each student will be introduced to practical experience picking a season, timelines, establishing a budget, and getting the word out to the public in today's world. This course may be repeated for credit.
Prerequisite(s): Junior standing or permission of instructor.
(Normally offered spring semesters.)