Course Catalogs

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2024-2025 Course Catalog


Exercise Science (B.S.)

As the most popular Health and Human Performance major, nearly 50% of our Exercise Science students apply to graduate schools to study physical therapy, physician’s assistant, chiropractic or occupational therapy. An internship and a full-year of research and statistics are required. 

Students interested in health-related professions such as physical therapy, occupational therapy and chiropractics may elect to major in Exercise Science. Students should consult with their advisor regarding pre professional requirements and suggested program of study.

Learning Outcomes
Majors will be able to:

  1. Possess understanding of human anatomy, physiology, and biomechanics of movement and performance.
  2. Demonstrate proficiency in assessing health, fitness, and well-being and prescribing programs to achieve goals in a safe and effective environment.
  3. Demonstrate practical application of knowledge and ethical decision making in an appropriately supervised organizational setting.
  4. Analyze and effectively communicate (oral and written) scholarly work in health and human performance.
Required Courses 21 hours
Exercise Science Major (55 hours)
HHP 1270 Advanced Emergency Care 1 hour
HHP 1320 Introduction to Allied Health 1 hour
HHP 1910 Medical Terminology 1 hour
HHP 2500 Basic Human Nutrition 2 hours
HHP 2850 Structural Kinesiology 1 hour
HHP 3850 Biomechanics 3 hours
HHP 4150 Physiology of Exercise 4 hours
HHP 4250 Exercise Testing and Programming 3 hours
HHP 4800 Research and Statistical Methods 3 hours
HHP 4970 Internship 2 hours
Select 8 hours from the following courses: 8 hours
Supporting Program 24 hours
Anatomy and Physiology
8 hours
Select four additional science courses with labs. Must be from at least two departments. Check with your intended graduate school and your advisor. 16  hours
Capstone Courses 2 hours
HHP 3990 Professional Engagement 1 hour
HHP 4990 Senior Capstone 1 hour