Course Catalogs

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2024-2025 Course Catalog

ART 3010 Art + Activism

3 hours


This is a hybrid studio/seminar course that familiarizes course participants with the socio-political issues on the NWU campus as well as at the local, state and national level, then develop creative strategies for personal growth and community transformation. In a supportive environment, we will challenge ourselves to look deeply at our own biases regarding race, gender, sexuality, socioeconomic class and the natural environment. Each semester the course is offered, it will focus on a particular one of the areas mentioned above. We will investigate the issues through listening to guest speakers followed by
open dialogue among students and faculty. Students will become familiar with the intersections of art and activism through lectures and discussions as well as their own research, which they will present orally to the class. In the second half of the semester students will begin developing their own socially engaged art projects with the support of the class feedback and from one of the class visitors. Initial projects will be on a small scale in a familiar environment. Subsequent projects will build on the knowledge and experience gained from the first projects. Teamwork and collaboration is encouraged.