Course Catalogs

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2024-2025 Course Catalog


Innovation and Entrepreneurship (B.S.)

The domains represented in the elective areas below, Business, Marketing and Sports, Creative Design and the Arts, Policy and Justice, Science and Technology, and Sustainability and the Environment, draw innovators and benefit from those individuals who can make the most of new opportunities, learn from setbacks, readjust and solve problems with divergent thinking. This major will also appeal to students who have ideas for businesses and startups but need the subject expertise and mentoring to make them a reality.

When a student declares this major they will declare their concentration area at the same time.


Core Requirements

16 hours

Innovation and Entrepreneurship (B.S., 34-36* hours)

BUSAD 4700 Entrepreneurship

3 hours

CMPSC 1100 Python Programming I/DATA 1200 Excel and SQL Programming

4 hours

INNOV 1000 Ideas To Innovation

3 hours

INNOV 2000 Problem Solving

3 hours

INNOV 4970 Internship

3 Hours

Foundation Electives

2-4 hours

(at least 2 hours total)  

ART 1200 Introduction to Digital Media

4 hours

BUSAD 2300 Business Communication

3 hours

COMM 1510 Intercultural Communication

4 hours

COMM 2400 Communication and Leadership

4 hours

ENG 3150 Professional and Community Writing

4 hours

PHIL 2020 Ethics

4 hours

SOC 3290 Grant Writing And Evaluation

2 hours

Disruption Electives

12 hours

12 hours from one concentration area


Business, Marketing and Sports


ACCT 1310 Principles of Accounting I

3 hours

ACCT 1320 Principles of Accounting II

3 hours

BUSAD 2700 Business Law I

3 hours

BUSAD 3300 Quantitative Methods

3 hours

BUSAD 3500 Consumer Behavior

3 hours

ECON 4550 Industrial Organization

3 hours

HHP 2920 Sport Facility and Event Management

3 hours

HHP 3730 Sports Marketing and Communication

3 hours

HHP 4220 Sport Finance

3 hours

Creative Design and the Arts


ART 1070 Introduction to Creative Technology

4 hours

ART 1300 Introduction to Drawing

4 hours

ENG 3020 Studies in Writing: Risk Fiction

4 hours

ENG 3050 Studies In Writing: Hybrid Genres

4 hours

MUSIC 1160 Composing for Film and Video Game

3 hours

THTRE 1420 Makeup Design

3 hours

THTRE 2710 Scenographic Techniques

3 hours

THTRE 2730 Costume Design

3 hours

THTRE 3160 Theatre Management

3 hours

THTRE 3700 Production Design I

3 hours

Policy and Justice


CRIM 2140 Juvenile Justice

4 hours

CRIM 3150 Criminology

4 hours

DATA 3100 Data Visualization With R

4 hours

ECON 4580 Economic Development

3 hours

HHP 3720 Healthcare Policy

2 hours

HIST 2410 Racial Justice in Twentieth Century America

4 hours

IDS 1300 Justice: An Introductory Experience

4 hours

PHIL 2300 Philosophies of Race and Gender

3 hours

PHIL 2410 Theories Of Justice

4 hours

POLSC 2090 Introduction to Public Policy

4 hours

POLSC 2210 Immigration

4 hours

POLSC 2450 State Politics and Policy

4 hours

RELIG 2250 Religion, Peace and Social Justice

3 hours

SOC 1330 Race Relations and Minority Groups

4 hours

SOC 3130 Law and Society

4 hours

SOC 3250 Thinking SocioLogically: Work

2 hours

SOC 3370 Social Inequality

4 hours

SOC 4540 Urban Communities

4 hours

Science and Technology


BIO 1080 Microbiology

3 hours

BIO 1080L Microbiology Laboratory

1 hour

BIO 1400FYW Introduction to Biological Inquiry

4 hours

BIO 2100 Introduction to Bioformatics

3 hours

BIO 3160 Medical Botany

3 hours

BIO 3170 Medical Botany Lab

1 hour

BIO 3690 Microbiology

3 hours

BIO 3690L Microbiology Laboratory

1 hour

BIO 3800 Molecular Genetics

4 hours

CHEM 1110 Chemical Principles I

3 hours

CHEM 1110L Chemical Principles I Laboratory

1 hour

CHEM 1120 Chemical Principles II

3 hours

CHEM 1120L Chemical Principles II Laboratory

1 hour

CHEM 2100 Organic Chemistry I

3 hours

CHEM 2100L Organic Chemistry I Laboratory

1 hour

CHEM 2110 Organic Chemistry II: Synthesis and Mechanisms

3 hours

CHEM 2110L Organic Chemistry II Laboratory

1 hour

CHEM 2500 Introduction to Neuroscience

3 hours

CHEM 2800 Introduction to Research

2 hours

DATA 3100 Data Visualization With R

3 hours

MATH 1300 Statistics

3 hours

MATH 1600 Calculus I

5 hours

PHYS 2000 General Physics I

4 hours

PHYS 2100 General Physics II

4 hours

PHYS 2200 Electronic Measurements

4 hours

PHYS 2400 Introduction to Modern Physics

4 hours

PHYS 2600 Computer Architecture and Interfacing

4 hours

Sustainability and the Environment


BIO 1300 Introduction to Environmental Science

4 hours

BIO 3500 Conservation Biology

4 hours

DATA 3100 Data Visualization With R

4 hours

ECON 3150 Environmental Economics

3 hours

ECON 4720 Contemporary Economic Problems of the World

3 hours

HHP 2020 Consumer, Community, and Environment Health Issues

3 hours

PHYS 1200 Energy and the Global Environment

4 hours

POLSC 2720 Global Environmental Politics

4 hours

SOC 2530 Population and Environment

4 hours

SOC 3210 Thinking SocioLogically: Environment

2 hours

SOC 3530 Environment, Food, and You

4 hours

Capstone Courses

4 hours

INNOV 4980 Final Project

3 hours

INNOV 4990 Capstone

1 hours


*An Innovation and Entrepreneurship major customarily earns a B.S. degree. However, if a student has a first major that is associated with a different baccalaureate degree, the Innovation and Entrepreneurship major may serve as a second major for the degree associated with the first major (B.A., B.FA., B.M., B.S.N) different baccalaureate degree, the Innovation and Entrepreneurship major may serve as a second major for the degree associated with the first major (B.A., B.FA., B.M., B.S.N)