Course Catalogs

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2023-2024 Course Catalog

INNOV 2000 Problem Solving

3 hours

Majors, Minors & Degrees:


This course offers an immersive experience in Design Thinking as a tool for innovative ideas and strategy development. Design Thinking draws on methods from engineering and design, and combines them with ideas from the arts, tools from the social sciences, and insights from the business world. Students will complete readings and independent activities that support collaborative group work. Student teams start in the field, where they discover the needs of the target audience with a real world problem. Then then iterate ideas to develop a range of promising possible solutions (product or service or system), create rough prototypes to take back out into the field, and test with real people in the target audience. The course culminates with a public pitch contest. Typically taken in the sophomore year. Normally offered in the fall and spring.