Course Catalogs

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2019-2020 Course Catalog


International Studies (formerly Global Studies)


Core Requirements 10-12 hours
International Studies Minor (25-27 hours)

A. Global Perspectives (take two courses from the following options):

7-8 hours

B. Cultural and Scientific Perspectives (choose one course from the following options):

3-4 hours
Modern Language Requirement 6 hours

The language requirement may be completed in one of the following ways:

  1. 6 hours of any language
  2. Students whose second language is English may be exempted from the requirement by the International Studies Director
Emphasis Area 9 hours

All minors must complete an emphasis area of courses in a specific world region or topical area. The International Studies Director will work with students to create an emphasis area that reflects their strengths. Examples of recent emphasis areas include Asian Studies, Latin American Studies, Industrialized Nations, Foreign Policy, or Development Studies but students may create their own emphasis with the approval of the International Studies Director.

At least two of the courses in the emphasis area must be taken at Nebraska Wesleyan University. One course must be at the 3000 or 4000-level.