Majors, Minors & Degrees:
Students of history learn how to think, write, speak, conduct research, and interpret the world in ways that will benefit them throughout their lives, not only in their careers, but also as citizens.
History graduates go on to careers in a wide variety of fields, including law, business, government, libraries, information management, teaching, insurance, archives, and publishing.
In addition, history can be combined with any other degree program to create a distinctive course of study.
Given the strong humanities emphasis within Nebraska Wesleyan’s history program, typically a degree in history is taken as a Bachelor of Arts. Students who combine history with a degree in the Social or Natural Sciences, however, usually take their degree as a Bachelor of Science.
Modern foreign language study is expected of all history majors. Transfer students must earn in residence a minimum of 12 hours in history, 6 hours of which must be at the upper level (3000-4990).