Course Catalogs

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2013-2014 Course Catalog


Business Administration (B.A., B.S.)

Business Administration Major (B.A. or B.S., 43 hours)
ACCT 031 Principles of Accounting I 3 hours
ACCT 032 Principles of Accounting II 3 hours
ECON 053 Macroeconomic Principles 3 hours
ECON 054 Microeconomic Principles 3 hours
BUSAD 100 Principles of Management 3 hours
BUSAD 109 Spreadsheet Applications 1 hours
BUSAD 110 Business and Economic Statistics or
ECON 110 Business and Economic Statistics
3 hours
BUSAD 115 Principles of Marketing 3 hours
BUSAD 120 Managing Information Systems 3 hours
BUSAD 150 Business Communication 3 hours
BUSAD 201 Quantitative Methods 3 hours
BUSAD 204 Financial Management 3 hours
BUSAD 211 Business Law I 3 hours
BUSAD 249 Strategic Management 3 hours
Senior Comprehensive:  
BUSAD 297 Business Internship 3 hours
BUSAD 248 Entrepreneurship or senior comprehensive from the student’s second major may be substituted with permission of the department chair.

Business administration majors must also complete a department-approved mathematics course (MATH 010 College Algebra, MATH 050 Pre-Calculus, MATH 060 Calculus for Management, Biological, and Social Sciences, or MATH 105 Calculus I). A department-approved supporting program with a minimum of 12 hours outside the business administration major is required. MATH 060 Calculus for Management, Biological, and Social Sciences or MATH 105 Calculus I is strongly recommended for students considering graduate school.