Course Catalogs

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2024-2025 Course Catalog


Psychology (B.A., B.S.)


For the Psychology major, at least 20 hours must be taken in the Department of Psychology at Nebraska Wesleyan University.  This includes a minimum of 12 hours from upper-level (3000-4990) courses. 

Core Courses

27-28 hours

Psychology Major (B.A. or B.S., 35-36 hours)

PSYCH 1010FYW Introduction to Psychological Science

4 hours

PSYCH 2010 Professional Seminar

4 hours

PSYCH 2100 Psychological Statistics

4 hours

PSYCH 2110 Research Methods in Psychology

4 hours

Experimental Psychology Course (select one or more courses)

4 hours

Applied Psychology Course (select one or more courses)

4 hours

Content Course at 3000/4000 Level (select one or more courses not selected above)

4 hours

Psychology electives

4 hours

Select PSYCH electives sufficient to fulfill the minimum 35-36 hours required for major. (Course(s) not already used in the Core.)



4 hours

PSYCH 4980 Introduction to Senior Research

4 hours