Course Catalogs

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2020-2021 Course Catalog



Majors, Minors & Degrees:

A major in Psychology prepares a student for a career in a number of diverse fields and occupations including business, management, human resources, law enforcement, health and medical services, social services, and non-profit organizations. The major also prepares the student for studies in graduate or professional schools, leading to careers in law, clinical and counseling psychology, and academic positions in psychology.

The Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) and Bachelor of Science (B.S.) for the psychology major do not differ in terms of the required classes. Students considering a career in a field that involves the natural sciences (e.g. psychiatry, neurobiology, etc.) often  select the B.S., while students interested in other areas (e.g. clinical, counseling, social, developmental, etc) often select the B.A. degree. The student’s psychology advisor will be able to help answer questions.

A minimum of 20 credit hours in the major must be taken within the Nebraska Wesleyan Psychology Department. At least 12 credit hours of the major must be in upper level courses (3000-4990). 

Department Learning Outcomes
Majors will be able to:

  1. Demonstrate fundamental knowledge and comprehension of the major concepts, theoretical perspectives.
  2. Learn basic skills and concepts in interpreting behavior, focusing on theory use, as well as designing and executing research plans.
  3. Develop ethically and socially responsible behaviors for professional and personal settings.
  4. Produce a research study or other psychological project, explain scientific results, and present information to a professional audience.
  5. Apply psychology-specific content and skills, effective self-reflection, teamwork skills, and career preparation.


The Introduction to Psychological Science course will engage students in a learner-centered approach to the science of behavior and mental processes by synthesizing these areas of psychology: Scientific Inquiry, Biopsychology, Development, and Learning, Sociocultural Context, Individual Variations, and Applications of Psychological Science.
This is not a First Year Writing Course.

Archway Curriculum: Foundational Literacies: Scientific Investigations: Social Science
Archway Curriculum: Integrative Core: UC Reflected Self Thread

The Introduction to Psychological Science course will engage students in a learner-centered approach to the science of behavior and mental processes by synthesizing these areas of psychology: Scientific Inquiry, Biopsychology, Development, and Learning, Sociocultural Context, Individual Variations, and Applications of Psychological Science.
(Normally offered every fall and spring semester.)

Archway Curriculum: First-Year Curriculum: First-Year Writing
Archway Curriculum: Foundational Literacies: Scientific Investigations: Social Science
Archway Curriculum: Integrative Core: UC Reflected Self Thread

This course, intended for the newly declared psychology major, is a reflection upon the historical development, the current state, and the future of psychology. The practicalities of being an undergraduate psychology major will be presented. Discussion of the student's future in psychology will emphasize professional issues related to graduate/professional school admission and employment opportunities after graduation.
Prerequisite(s): A major in psychology and PSYCH 1010/PSYCH 1010FYW Introduction to Psychological Science.
(Normally offered each spring semester.)

An introduction to descriptive and inferential statistics as decision-making guides in psychology and related fields. Topics include organization, analysis, presentation, and interpretation of data with emphasis on the hypothesis testing model of inference. Specific procedures include z-tests, t-tests, analysis of variance, and correlation. A laboratory section is required for computational experience.
Prerequisite(s): PSYCH 1010/PSYCH 1010FYW Introduction to Psychological Science and sophomore standing.
Recommended: College level mathematics course.
(Normally offered each semester.)

A course designed to introduce, apply, and evaluate the basic research methods of psychology. Emphasis is placed upon problems of research design and analysis in the laboratory and in natural settings. Students conduct investigations applying various designs and methods building skills in interpreting findings and in written communications.
Three lectures and one lab per week.
Prerequisite(s): PSYCH 1010/PSYCH 1010FYW Introduction to Psychological Science and PSYCH 2100 Psychological Statistics.
(Normally offered each semester.)

Psychopharmacology is a course intended to introduce the student to the effects of drugs on human behavior. The course will cover routes of drug administration, how drugs affect society, and the physiological mechanisms by which drugs produce their effect(s). The course will investigate the major drug categories (i.e., stimulants, sedatives, narcotics, hallucinogens, and psychotropics). For each drug, the student will learn about its historic background, modes of action in the brain, use and abuse, and ways to treat addiction.
Prerequisite(s): PSYCH 1010/PSYCH 1010FYW Introduction to Psychological Science.
(Normally offered each fall semester.)

Archway Curriculum: Integrative Core: Human Health and Disease Thread

An introduction to development from infancy through adolescence. Topics include cognitive, physical, social and personality development, and child-rearing practices.
Prerequisite(s): PSYCH 1010/PSYCH 1010FYW Introduction to Psychological Science.

This class will provide a perspective on the changes that take place during an individual's life from infancy to old age/death. Participants will study and describe the developing person at different periods in the lifespan. The processes of growth and change taking place in early, middle, and late adulthood will be considered as well as the more traditional concern with development in childhood.
Prerequisite(s): PSYCH 1010/PSYCH 1010FYW Introduction to Psychological Science.
(Normally offered each semester.)

Archway Curriculum: Integrative Core: Identity Thread

A survey of leading theories of personality and supporting research. Includes consideration of psychodynamic, behavioral, cognitive, trait, humanistic, and interactionist approaches. Important historical figures in personality theory, current day applications, personality testing, and basic methods of personality research will be explored.
Prerequisite(s): PSYCH 1010/PSYCH 1010FYW Introduction to Psychological Science.
(Normally offered each spring semester.)

An introduction to the field of health psychology, which is devoted to understanding how people stay healthy, why they become ill, and how they respond to illness and disease. Topics will be discussed from local, national, and global perspectives, and will include the behavioral aspects of the health care system, exercise and nutrition, health-compromising behaviors, stress, AIDS, and the etiology and correlates of health, disease, and dysfunction.
Prerequisite(s): PSYCH 1010/PSYCH 1010FYW Introduction to Psychological Science.
(Normally offered each spring semester.)

Archway Curriculum: Integrative Core: Human Health and Disease Thread

The application of scientific methods and psychological principles to industrial and organizational behavior. Topics include job analysis, personnel selection, performance appraisal, assessment validity, the legal context for personnel decisions, work motivation, work attitudes, leadership, and occupational health. The ultimate objective of this discipline is to maximize both employee well-being and organizational effectiveness.
Prerequisite(s): PSYCH 1010/PSYCH 1010FYW Introduction to Psychological Science.

An investigation of psychological theories and issues relating to the psychology of women from a feminist perspective. Gender bias in traditional psychological theories, research, and practice will be evaluated in relation to women's attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors. Students will gain a better understanding of women's psychology across the lifespan and how other interacting constructs such as race, ethnicity, class, sexual orientation, nationality, and disability influence women's experiences. The social and political implications of how we understand women and gender will be explored, and emphasis will be placed on envisioning possibilities for individual (psychological) and social change.
Cross listed with GEND 2550.

Archway Curriculum: Integrative Core: Gender and Sexuality Thread

The behaviorist viewpoint and the methodology of behavioral analysis is introduced in this course. The emphasis is on theories derived largely from non-human research and applied to everyday human behavior. Topics include an analysis of the basic operations of classical and operant conditioning and the biological constraints on learning. A practical animal lab is used to demonstrate the methods of behavior analysis and modification.
Prerequisite(s): PSYCH 1010/PSYCH 1010FYW Introduction to Psychological Science.
(Normally offered each fall semester.)

Archway Curriculum: Essential Connections: Writing Instructive
Archway Curriculum: Essential Connections: Experiential Learning: Exploratory

See HHP 2640 Positive Psychology.

Theories and research exploring how gender is constructed in United States culture are introduced in this course. Topics include the construction and propagation of gender roles, differences between men and women in various domains, gender identity, sexuality, romantic relationships, and roles within work and family. 
Cross listed with GEND 2650.
Prerequisite(s): Sophomore standing.
(Normally offered each spring semester.) 

Archway Curriculum: Essential Connections: Diversity Instructive: U.S.
Archway Curriculum: Integrative Core: Gender and Sexuality Thread

An investigation of the symptoms, etiology, and treatment of psychological disorders including those associated with anxiety, mood, psychosis, dissociation, somatoform reactions, personality, substance use, sexual dysfunctional/deviance, eating disorders, neurodevelopmental, and neurocognitive disorders.
Prerequisite(s): PSYCH 1010/PSYCH 1010FYW Introduction to Psychological Science or permission of the instructor.
(Normally offered each semester.)

Archway Curriculum: Integrative Core: Human Health and Disease Thread

An intermediate-level course designed to treat subject matter not covered in other departmental courses. The title, content, and credit hours will be determined by current mutual interests of faculty and students.
Prerequisite(s): PSYCH 1010/PSYCH 1010FYW Introduction to Psychological Science plus additional requirements as may be determined or permission of the instructor.

This is a research course. The student initially meets with the department chair to select a study topic and review research methods. At this time the student will be assigned a faculty resource person to guide his or her work and assist in an advisory capacity. A copy of the student's work is filed in the archives for the department. Independent study may not duplicate courses described in the catalog. P/F Oriented.
Prerequisite(s): Permission of the department chair.

An intermediate-level course for a student to engage in an individually arranged project supervised by a psychology faculty member. Special Projects may not duplicate courses described in the catalog.
P/F Oriented.
Prerequisite(s): Major or minor in psychology and permission of the instructor.

Supervised field experience in settings providing psychological services with opportunities for observation and participation. Reading assignments, written reports, and class meetings typically are included, although the exact nature of a student's responsibilities are individually arranged. Students spend 45 hours per semester in the assigned setting for each hour of the academic credit. Enrollment generally is limited to 1-4 hours of academic credit in any given semester with the possibility of enrollment for a second semester. Approval from the cooperating agency also is required. Enrollment reflects a volunteer experience.
P/F Only.
Prerequisite(s): PSYCH 1010/PSYCH 1010FYW Introduction to Psychological Science and permission of the instructor.

Archway Curriculum: Essential Connections: Experiential Learning: Intensive

A survey of the field of art therapy in its various applications and theoretical orientations. 
Cross listed with ART 3050.
Prerequisite(s): 8 hours of psychology, including PSYCH 1010/PSYCH 1010FYW Introduction to Psychological Science, and 9 hours of art, or permission of the instructor.

A practical introduction to the skills and techniques of counseling in a variety of human service settings. Emphasis is on skill development and application. Includes an overview and integration of well-established theories of counseling and psychotherapy.
Prerequisite(s): PSYCH 1010/PSYCH 1010FYW Introduction to Psychological Science or permission of the instructor.
(Normally offered each spring semester.)

An introduction to neurophysiological bases of general behavior, sleep, perception, emotion, learning, cognition, and mental disorders. The relevance of these topics to applied problems in psychology will also be considered, as will the methods for investigating the relationship between brain and behavior.
Prerequisite(s): PSYCH 1010/PSYCH 1010FYW Introduction to Psychological Science and BIO 1400FYW Introduction to Biological Inquiry or permission of the instructor.
(Normally offered each spring semester.)

An introduction to the theory, construction, administration, and interpretation of standardized psychological tests. Tests considered include IQ assessments, general interest surveys, personality inventories, and projective techniques. General methodological and statistical issues in testing and measurement are also covered.
Prerequisite(s): PSYCH 1010/PSYCH 1010FYW Introduction to Psychological Science.
Recommended: PSYCH 2100 Psychological Statistics.

What does it mean to be transgender?  What can transgender identities tell us about larger societal gender systems? This course is an interdisciplinary exploration of transgender issues in the United States.  Students will investigate the variety of transgender identities, the lived experiences of transgender people, and the differing perspectives surrounding transgender issues.  Topics will include explanations of gender diversity, discrimination, elements of gender transitions, medical and psychological treatment options, and gender privilege. Cross listed with GEND 3300

Prerequisite(s): PSYCH 1010/PSYCH 1010FYW Introduction to Psychological Science or PSYCH 2650 Psychology of Gender or instructor permission.

Archway Curriculum: Essential Connections: Diversity Instructive: U.S.
Archway Curriculum: Integrative Core: Chaos Thread

A scientific study of the way in which thoughts, feelings, and behaviors are influenced by other people and situational factors. Topics include research methodology, conformity, social cognition, attitudes, persuasion, aggression, prejudice, and interpersonal attraction.
Prerequisite(s): PSYCH 1010/PSYCH 1010FYW Introduction to Psychological Science.
Recommended: PSYCH 2100 Psychological Statistics and PSYCH 2110 Research Methods in Psychology

(Normally offered each fall semester.)

Archway Curriculum: Integrative Core: Identity Thread
Archway Curriculum: Essential Connections: Diversity Instructive: Global

A survey of the assessment, diagnosis, and treatment procedures utilized in clinical and counseling psychology, along with a discussion of professional issues in the field. Students are given rudimentary training in interviewing and case study of a nonclinical population.
Prerequisite(s): PSYCH 2700 Abnormal Psychology.
(Normally offered each fall semester.)

An overview of the physical and cognitive mechanisms of the different perceptual modalities is presented in this course. The past and current methods of studying the relationship between physical stimuli and the perceptual experience are investigated. The emphasis is on the visual system and the role of the individual in depth perception, perceptual constancies and illusions.
Prerequisite(s): PSYCH 1010/PSYCH 1010FYW Introduction to Psychological Science.
Recommended: BIO 1400FYW Introduction to Biological Inquiry.

(Normally offered each spring semester of odd numbered years.)

This course will explore the history of cognitive psychology, current research, how the field changes over time, and what current cognitive psychologists define as the important issues in the study of  attention, perception, memory, language, problem solving, reasoning, and decision making.
Prerequisite(s): PSYCH 1010/PSYCH 1010FYW Introduction to Psychological Science.
(Normally offered each spring semester.)

Archway Curriculum: Integrative Core: Identity Thread

Explore the complexities of creating a comprehensive psychology for a global context. Study cultural concepts and controversies, integrate cultural issues into mainstream psychological science, and develop culturally responsive practices. Elaborate a broad definition of culture (that includes ability status, age, ethnicity/race, gender, geographic location, language, migration, national origin, politics, religion, sexual orientation and social class) to examine the intersectionality of diversity through a sociocultural lens. Cultivate a worldview of psychology outside the dominant perspectives of the Global North and promote human dignity and justice.
Prerequisite(s): PSYCH 1010/PSYCH 1010FYW Introduction to Psychological Science.

Archway Curriculum: Essential Connections: Diversity Instructive: Global
Archway Curriculum: Integrative Core: Human Health and Disease Thread
Archway Curriculum: Essential Connections: Discourse Instructive

Emphasis is on the psychological and physiological aspects of sleep and dreaming in humans. Topics include comparative studies, developmental changes, physiological and biochemical mechanisms of REM and NREM sleep and arousal, sleep disorders, dream content and dream recall, and functional theories of sleep and dreaming.
Prerequisite(s): PSYCH 1010/PSYCH 1010FYW Introduction to Psychological Science.
Recommended: BIO 1400FYW Introduction to Biological Inquiry.

(Normally offered each spring of even-numbered years.)

A topical course designed to investigate relevant subject matter not included in any standard courses. The title and the content will be determined by current mutual interests of students and faculty. This course may be offered to meet a requirement for a major only by approval of the department chair.

An opportunity for a student to engage in an individually arranged research project supervised by a member of the psychology faculty. Independent Study may not duplicate courses described in the catalog.
P/F Oriented.                     
Prerequisite(s): Major or minor in psychology and permission of the instructor.

Supervised individual projects for students on topics selected by the student in consultation with the instructor. Special Projects may not duplicate courses described in the catalog. P/F Oriented.
Prerequisite(s): Permission of the instructor.

PSYCH 3970 Internship (1-8 hours)

This course allows students to participate at a meaningful level in an internship with a public official, political figure, public agency, campaign or interest group and to use that experience as the basis for an academic paper.
Pass/Fail only.
Prerequisite(s): Permission of the department chair.

A course designed to treat subject matter not covered in other department courses or to provide advanced study of subject matter introduced in other courses. The title, content, and credit hours will be determined by current mutual interests of faculty and students.
Prerequisite(s): PSYCH 1010/PSYCH 1010FYW Introduction to Psychological Science, plus additional requirements as may be determined.

An opportunity for a student to engage in supervised reading of specialized literature not covered in other courses.
P/F Oriented.
Prerequisite(s): Major or minor in psychology and permission of the instructor.

In this course students will gain first-hand teaching experience by assisting a professor with teaching a course. The professor and the student will formulate a learning contract at the beginning of the term, which will outline the expectations of the students' involvement in the course and the criteria for rating the students' performance. Responsibilities may include grading, taking attendance, tutoring students, and facilitating class activities. For each hour of academic credit, students will spend 3-4 hours a week assisting with teaching. Enrollment generally is limited to 1-3 credit hours in a given semester with the possibility of enrollment in future semester. P/F Oriented.
Prerequisite(s): 12 credits of psychology courses and permission of the instructor.

Archway Curriculum: Essential Connections: Experiential Learning: Intensive

In this course students will gain first-hand research experience by assisting a professor with conducting a psychological research project. Running participants, analyzing and managing data, and doing literature searches typically are included, although the exact nature of the student's responsibilities will depend on the research project and will be agreed upon at the beginning of the semester. For each hour of academic credit, students will spend 3-4 hours a week assisting with the research. Enrollment generally is limited to 1-4 credit hours in a given semester with the possibility of enrollment in future semesters.
P/F Only.
Prerequisite(s): PSYCH 2100 Psychological Statistics, PSYCH 2110 Research Methods in Psychology, and permission of the instructor.

Archway Curriculum: Essential Connections: Experiential Learning: Intensive

An opportunity for a student to engage in an individually arranged research project supervised by a member of the faculty. Independent Study may not duplicate courses described in the catalog.
Pass/Fail oriented.
Prerequisite(s): Major or minor program in psychology and permission of the instructor.

An opportunity for a student to engage in an individually arranged project supervised by a member of the faculty. Special Projects may not duplicate courses described in the catalog.
P/F Oriented.
Prerequisite(s): Major or minor in psychology and permission of the instructor.

Supervised field experience in settings providing psychological services with opportunities for observation and participation. Reading assignments, written reports, and class meetings typically are included, although the exact nature of a student's responsibilities are individually arranged.  Students spend 45 hours per semester in the assigned setting for each hour of the academic credit. Enrollment generally is limited to 1-4 hours of academic credit in any given semester. The course may be repeated for a maximum of 8 credit hours.  Openings are limited to advanced psychology majors who meet the prerequisites set by the department and by the cooperating clinical or research agency. Approval from the cooperating agency also is required. Enrollment reflects a volunteer experience.
P/F Only.
Prerequisite(s): Junior or senior standing and permission of the instructor.

Archway Curriculum: Essential Connections: Experiential Learning: Intensive

This capstone course for the psychology major requires the student to explore potential topics, to evaluate the literature within the student's topic of choice, to identify appropriate measurement instruments for the senior research project, to write a research proposal using APA style, and to complete a professional oral presentation of the research proposal. Small group collaboration and peer review will be encouraged. The proposed research may be conducted during PSYCH 4990 Senior Research. Normally taken during the senior year.

Prerequisite(s): Major in psychology, PSYCH 2110 Research Methods in Psychology, and permission of the instructor.

Archway Curriculum: Essential Connections: Writing Instructive
Archway Curriculum: Essential Connections: Speaking Instructive

This is an empirical research investigation in which each student majoring in psychology conducts the research project proposed during PSYCH-4980: Introduction to Senior Research. After obtaining Institutional Review or Institutional Animal Care and Use Committee approval, the student will collect and analyze the data, and prepare a formal report of the investigation consistent with the publication style of the American Psychological Association and give a conference-style presentation. Either laboratory or field research is acceptable. Normally taken during the fall semester following PSYCH 4980 Introduction to Senior Research.

Prerequisite(s): PSYCH 2100 Psychological Statistics, PSYCH 2110 Research Methods in Psychology, PSYCH 4980 Introduction to Senior Research, and permission of the instructor.

Archway Curriculum: Essential Connections: Writing Instructive
Archway Curriculum: Essential Connections: Experiential Learning: Intensive