Course Catalogs

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2018-2019 Course Catalog

CRMJS 4920 Capstone

2 hours

This course is the culmination of the student's academic experience. It serves to synthesize knowledge gained from the criminal justice curriculum as well as from other courses and life experience. It also serves to prepare students for entry-level positions in the area of criminal justice or related fields, and to prepare them for continuing education at the graduate level.
Prerequisite(s): CRMJS 1011 Introduction to Criminal Justice, CRMJS 2131 Corrections, CRMJS 2141 Juvenile Justice, CRMJS 2200 Introduction to Policing, CRMJS 2210 Probation and Parole CRMJS 2220 Ethical Issues in Criminal JusticeCRMJS 3151 Criminology, CRMJS 3200 Community Policing, CRMJS 3210 Advanced Criminal Law Case Analysis, and CRMJS 3300 Research Methods, or permission of the instructor.