Course Catalogs

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2023-2024 Course Catalog


How does change occur? How does the new come into being? The Chaos thread explores how innovation happens in the arts, in the sciences, and in social institutions, as well as in nations, communities, and individuals. The courses in the thread will look at how existing practices, beliefs, systems, and narratives come under critique, and how their assumptions are challenged; how alternatives to these practices, beliefs, systems, and narratives emerge, and how these alternatives engage the status quo; and how that engagement can lead, or fail to lead, to transformation.

Students in the Chaos thread will learn about the evaluative and critical tools that have in the past been and are in the present being used, in a wide range of political and cultural contexts, to critique existing practices, beliefs, systems, and narratives.  Students will be encouraged not only to be open to the new and unfamiliar, but also to recognize the integrity of the otherness of the new and unfamiliar, resisting the urge to re-model it in the image of the already-known with which they are comfortable. The ultimate goal is to enlarge the student’s pictures of the world.

This thread can be 9 or 18 hours.

Students must take at least one course from the 2000 level or above.

Courses in a 9-hour thread must be from a minimum of two departments. Courses in an 18-hour thread must be from a minimum of four departments.

Select Courses to Meet Thread Requirements


ART 3010 Art + Activism

3 hours

COMM 3800 Communication through Dialogue

4 hours

CRIM 2210 Probation and Parole

4 hours

ENG 2240 Topics in World Literature: Revolution and Radical Change

4 hours

ENG 3020 Studies in Writing: Risk Fiction

4 hours

ENG 3050 Studies In Writing: Hybrid Genres

4 hours

ENG 3260/THTRE 3260 Greek Drama

3 hours

GEND 2850 Sex and the Arts

4 hours

HIST 3030/HIST 4030 Founding of the Americas

4 hours

HIST 3700/HIST 4700 Revolutions in Latin America

4 hours

IDS 1100FYW Writing and Social Change

2 hours

IDS 3200 Experiential Learning - Chaos Thread

1-2 hours

MUSIC 1140 Cover Band/Rock Band

3 hours

MUSIC 1820 Soundtrack of Life

4 hours

MUSIC 2630 Music Theory IV

3 hours

PHIL 1100/PHIL 1100FYW Introduction to Philosophy

3-4 hours

PHIL 3300 Radical Philosophies

4 hours

POLSC 2120 Democratic Dilemmas and Experiments

2 hours

POLSC 2610 Politics of Europe

4 hours

POLSC 2640 Terrorism and Political Violence

4 hours

POLSC 3800 Global Revolution and Rebellion

4 hours

PSYCH 3300/GEND 3300 Transgender Identities

2 hours

RELIG 2800 Apocalyptic Imagination in America

3 hours

SOC 3130 Law and Society

4 hours

SOC 3920 Social Theory

4 hours

THTRE 2210 Avant-Garde and Art Film

3 hours