Course Catalogs

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2023-2024 Course Catalog

SOCWK 5200 Micro Practice

3 hours


In this generalist practice course students will explore and apply theories of human behavior and the social environment, the strengths perspective, and person-in-environment perspective when working with diverse clients and constituencies. Role plays, as a form of experiential learning, will be used to help students practice basic attending skills, empathic responses, and apply the generalist intervention model, with a focus on analyzing and implementing evidence-informed interventions with diverse clients and constituencies. In addition to role plays, students will observe, discuss, and provide feedback to each other about the application of micro-practice skills as an integral aspect of learning throughout the course. Students will develop skills in inter-professional collaboration to achieve beneficial practice outcomes for their clients and constituencies. Finally, students will examine how a person's life experiences is often an intersection of multiple factors. Self-reflection and evaluation of the student's own life experiences will facilitate this understanding

Prerequisite(s): SOCWK 5000 History and Philosophy of Social Work in the United States, SOCWK 5100 ANTI-OPPRESSIVE SOCIAL WORK PRACTICE, SOCWK 5230 Research Informed Practice.