Course Catalogs

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2024-2025 Course Catalog

Philosophy and Religion Electives

Elective Options for Philosophy and Religion 2 courses, 6 hours minimum
Art History  
ARH 1030FYW Survey of Non-Western Art History

4 hours

ARH 1040FYW Survey of Western Art History 4 hours
ARH 3000 History of Art Museums 4 hours
ARH 3100 Ancient Art

4 hours

ARH 3300 Renaissance Art 4 hours
ARH 3500 Formations of Modern Art 4 hours
ARH 3600 Modern Art 4 hours
ARH 3800 History of Contemporary Art 4 hours
BIO 3000 An Introduction to Biomedical Ethics 2 hours
Business Administration  
BUSAD 4600 Business Ethics 3 hours
ENG 2260 Topics in World Literature: Religious Experience 4 hours
ENG 2280 Topics in World Literature: Ethics and Justice 4 hours
ENG 2600 Introduction to Ancient Rhetoric 4 hours
ENG 3260 Greek Drama 3 hours
HIST 2170 Body, Mind, Spirit: The Understanding of the Self in Western Culture 4 hours
HIST 2180 Science and Religion in Western Tradition 4 hours
HIST 2410 Racial Justice in Twentieth Century America 4 hours
HIST 2560 Indigenous History 4 hours
Interdisciplinary Studies  
IDS 1050FYW Science and Religion Seminar 4 hours
IDS 1060 Science and Religion Seminar 4 hours
IDS 1070 Science and Religion Seminar 4 hours
IDS-2020 IDS-2020
Philosophy and Religion  
Any additional PHIL or RELIG subject course not used in other major/minor areas  
Political Science  
POLSC 2210 Immigration 4 hours
POLSC-3210 POLSC-3210
PSYCH 2400 Theories of Personality 4 hours
PSYCH 2650 Psychology of Gender 4 hours
PSYCH 3300 Transgender Identities 2 hours
ANTHR-2630 ANTHR-2630
SOC 2330 Race Relations and Minority Groups 4 hours
SOC 3240 Thinking SocioLogically: Sociology Of Religion 2 hours
SOC 3250 Thinking SocioLogically: Work 2 hours
SOC 3260 Thinking SocioLogically: Gender 2 hours
SOC 3920 Social Theory 4 hours