Course Catalogs

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2012-2013 Course Catalog


International Business (B.A.)

International Business Major (B.A., 51-56 hours)
The International Business major consists of three sections. A minor or major in a modern foreign language is required. International Business majors must study or work abroad for at least one semester in an approved program.
I. International Business courses 33 hours
ACCT 031 Principles of Accounting I 3 hours
ACCT 032 Principles of Accounting II 3 hours
ECON 053 Macroeconomic Principles 3 hours
ECON 054 Microeconomic Principles 3 hours
BUSAD 100 Principles of Management 3 hours
BUSAD 109 Spreadsheet Applications 1 hours
BUSAD 110 Business and Economic Statistics 3 hours
BUSAD 115 Principles of Marketing 3 hours
BUSAD 204 Financial Management 3 hours
BUSAD 205 International Finance 3 hours
BUSAD 228 International Marketing 3 hours
ECON 257 International Trade 3 hours
II. International Perspectives 15-20 hours
Students choose between Option A and B:
Option A: Global Perspectives-Regional and General Focus 15 hours
Students complete three courses with a Regional/Cultural focus 9 hours
All courses that fulfill General Education
  • “Preparing for Global Citizenship” requirement C2 (Understanding Another Culture) may also be used to fulfill the Regional/Cultural section of the International Businessmajor. In addition, students may choose from the following courses.
  • Other relevant courses may be substituted with the approval of the chairs of the Departments of Business Administration, Accounting and Economics, and Modern Languages. With prior approval, students may also transfer courses into this section from approved study abroad programs.
Students complete two courses from General Perspectives 6 hours
All courses that fulfill General Education
  • “Preparing for Global Citizenship” requirement C3 (Global Community) may also be used to fulfill the General Perspectives section of the International Business major. In addition, students may choose from the following courses.
  • Other relevant courses may be substituted with the approvalof the chairs of the Departments of Business Administration, Accounting and Economics, and Modern Languages. With prior approval, students may also transfer courses into this section from approved study abroad programs.
Note: A single course cannot be used to meet a requirement in more than one section of the major.
Option B: Second Modern Language 17-20 hours
Students must complete through FRNCH 201 French Conversation and Composition, GERMN 201 German Conversation and Composition, SPAN 201 Spanish Conversation, or JAPAN 102 Japanese: Stage IV (20 hrs.).
III. Senior Comprehensive Internship 3 hours
BUSAD 297 Business Internship 3 hours
The senior internship must be approved by the student’s advisor and the coordinator for internships. It is the responsibility of the student to seek out an appropriate internship. This internship may be completed as part of an approved study abroad experience.

Mathematics, as required for the business administration major, is strongly recommended. This is especially important for those students who plan to pursue graduate studies in this field.