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2014-2015 Course Catalog

SPAN 4620 Introduction to Literary Translation

4 hours


This is a course on the method and practice of literary translation as a close reading and analysis of literary texts, within the framework of linguistics and semantics. By means of a variety of texts, both from the Hispanic and the English tradition, the course exposes students to literary translation as a form of literary criticism, helping them understand the cultural and critical assumptions that guide one's interpretation of a text. Whereas the theoretical readings are aimed at helping students grasp important aspects in translation studies, the literary texts present an array of interpretation problems regarding author, time period, genre, and cultural milieu. This course is aimed at students at the advanced level of Spanish. Translations primarily will be Spanish into English and class discussion will be conducted in both Spanish and English. Coursework includes weekly translation practice, discussion of translation issues, and some class presentations. The final project consists of the translation of a text accompanied by a critical commentary regarding the process of translation.
Prerequisite(s): SPAN 3050 Spanish Composition and six credits from SPAN 3010 Spanish Conversation, SPAN 3020 Introduction to Spanish Phonetics, SPAN 3030 Reading Strategies, or SPAN 3040 Spanish Grammar Review or permission of the department.