Course Catalogs

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2012-2013 Course Catalog


Human Resources Management

Required (9 credit hours):  
Human Resources Management (HRM) Minor (18-19 hours)
BUSAD 100 Principles of Management 3 hours
BUSAD 231 Human Resource Management 3 hours
BUSAD 225 Organizational Behavior 3 hours
Choose two (6 credit hours):  
BUSAD 239 Business Ethics 3 hours
BUSAD 247 Negotiation 3 hours
BUSAD 235 Advanced Human Resource Management 3 hours
Choose one (3-4 credit hours):  
ECON 251 Labor Economics 3 hours
COMM 210 Organizational Communication 3 hours
COMM 270 Speaking in the Professions 3 hours
PSYCH 101 Introduction to Psychological Science 4 hours
PSYCH 217 Psychological Testing 4 hours
PSYCH 150 Industrial/Organizational Psychology 4 hours
SOC 206 Group Dynamics 3 hours
SOC 222 Sociology of Gender 3 hours
SOC 223 Sociology of Work 3 hours
SOC 230 Social Change and Social Movements 3 hours