Course Catalogs

You are viewing the
2015-2016 Course Catalog


Music Education, Vocal (B.M.)


Performance Course Work 21 hours
Music Education Major, Vocal (B.M., 90 hours)
Major instrument 14 hours
Major large ensemble 7 hours
MUSIC 1000 Recitals
(taken every semester in residence)
0 hours
Supporting Music Course Work 41 hours

Music history and literature

3 hours
Choose 8 credits from the following music history courses: 8 hours
Music theory 15 hours
Music education 12 hours
Music Technology 2 hours
Senior Comprehensive: 2 hours
MUSIC 4980 Senior Capstone Seminar 2 hours
Proficiencies Required: Piano and Guitar  
Professional Education Courses Required for Certification 28 hours
EDUC 1010 Introduction to Education in the United States 2 hours
EDUC 1750 Field Experience 1 hour
EDUC 2050 Human Development and Learning I and
EDUC 2060 Human Development and Learning II
4 hours
EDUC 2850 Education in a Pluralistic Society 3 hours
SPED 2070 Understanding Human Differences or
SPED 3070 Methods for Teaching Secondary Students with Disabilities
3 hours
EDUC 4790 Supervised Teaching in Elementary School Music and
EDUC 4830 Supervised Teaching in Secondary School Music
14 hours
EDUC 4990 Student Teaching Seminar 1 hour