Course Catalogs

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2014-2015 Course Catalog



The department introduces students to the complexities of other cultures through the study of another language. Learning a foreign language fosters the ability to cope with the unfamiliar, both linguistically and culturally, and to value diversity and understand interdependence. The study of modern foreign languages prepares students to deal empathetically with people of other cultures and backgrounds, both within our country and abroad. 

The department stresses proficiency-oriented teaching methodologies that are supported by appropriate technologies. The proficiency orientation stresses contextual and practical use of language; therefore the language is used in the classroom as much as possible. Modern language study at Nebraska Wesleyan University offers students the opportunity to enhance their personal and professional opportunities regardless of their majors and future career goals.


The department offers majors in French, German, and Spanish. While credit hour and course requirements may vary by language (see individual language information below), all Modern Languages majors must: 1) study abroad (see details below); 2) complete at least one 3-credit literature course; 3) earn 4 or more hours of 4000-level credits in residence at NWU upon return from study abroad; and 4) complete a 2-hour ML Senior Capstone experience. In addition, the Department requires an exit interview of its graduates.

French and German
A major in French or German requires a minimum of 35-36 credit hours, 24 of which must be beyond Stage IV (2020). At least 8 credit hours must be earned at the 4000-level.

A major in Spanish requires a minimum of 37-38 credit hours, 29 of which must be beyond Stage IV (2020). At least 4 credit hours must be earned at the 4000-level.

Study Abroad Requirement: Students majoring in French, German or Spanish are required to incorporate a study abroad experience of a minimum of one semester (12 credit hours) in the language of their major. No more than 16 hours of upper-level credits (3000/4000) from a semester abroad may be applied toward the major (24 credits for two semesters). In conjunction with the semester abroad, students must also complete either GLST 2010 Preparing for Education Abroad or GLST 3010 Processing the International Experience, as well as MLANG 3910 Engaging in Study Abroad. For information on the many available exchange programs and financial aid and scholarship options, students should talk with the Director of Global Engagement and visit the library of study abroad resources.

Students who begin their college language study beyond Stage III (2010) of a language, either as a result of testing or upon consultation with the chair, and who complete a course at that level with a grade of "B" or better, may earn up to 8 hours of retroactive credit for Stage III (2010) and Stage IV (2020). Students who have previously taken a beginning level of a college language (Stage I and/or Stage II) are not eligible for this retroactive credit. In no case may one complete a major with fewer than 12 credit hours earned in residence within the department.

Majors preparing to teach a modern language should consult with the Education Department.


The department offers minors in French, German, Japanese, and Spanish. While credit hour and course requirements vary by language (see individual language information below), in no case may one earn a minor with fewer than 4 hours at Nebraska Wesleyan University in the language of their minor.

French and German
A minor in French or German requires a minimum of 16 credit hours beyond Stage II (1020). For students studying French or German abroad, a minor requires at least one course in the language, from 2010 or above, in residence at NWU.

A minor in Japanese requires 10 credit hours beyond Stage II (1020).

A minor in Spanish requires a minimum of 14 credit hours beyond Stage II (1020). For students studying Spanish abroad, a minor requires at least one upper-level course in the language (3010 or above) in residence at NWU.

Students who begin their college language study beyond Stage III (2010) of French, German, or Spanish, either as a result of testing or upon consultation with the chair, and who complete a course at that level with a grade of "B" or better, may earn up to 8 hours of retroactive credit for Stage III (2010) and Stage IV (2020). Students who have previously taken a beginning level of a college language (Stage I and/or Stage II) are not eligible for this retroactive credit.


German Minor (16 hours)
GERMN 2010 German: Stage III 4 hours
GERMN 2020 German: Stage IV 4 hours
German beyond 2020 8 hours