Course Catalogs

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2014-2015 Course Catalog


Political Science (B.A., B.S.)


Political Science Major (B.A. or B.S., 35 hours)
POLSC 1000 United States Government and Politics 3 hours
POLSC 1090 Introduction to International Relations or
POLSC 1200 Introduction to Comparative Politics
3 hours
POLSC 2000 Introduction to Statistics and SPSS 2 hours
POLSC 3000 Research Methods in Political Science 3 hours
American Politics area (select from the following): 6 hours
International Politics area (select from the following): 6 hours
Political theory area (select from the following): 3 hours
Political Science electives:
(Select 6 hours of intermediate (1000-level or 2000-level) or upper (3000-level or 4000-level) political science courses.)
Note: When selecting electives, keep in mind that a minimum of 12 hours of upper level courses are required in the major.

6 hours

Senior Comprehensive:  
POLSC 4990 Senior Seminar* 3 hours
*In some cases, senior research may be completed instead through a project undertaken in conjunction with POLSC 2970 Political Internship.  

Political Science majors must also complete one or more minors of at least 18 hours. Students pursuing a double major may substitute their second major for the minor requirement.