Course Catalogs

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2013-2014 Course Catalog


Business (Adult Undergraduate)

Majors, Minors & Degrees:


This is an introduction to the basic accounting model and the framework for developing financial statements. The major focus is on the study of generally accepted accounting principles as they apply to the measurement of income and the presentation of a firm's financial position.

The role of accounting in the formation and capitalization of corporations is studied. Other topics include cash flow, analysis and interpretation of financial statements, and basic managerial accounting.

Prerequisite(s): BUS 001.

An examination of the macroeconomic theories, problems, and policies of the U.S. economy. Topics include supply and demand, a description of the main sectors of the economy, and the role of government in stabilizing the economy with monetary and fiscal policies.

An examination of the microeconomic theories, problems, and policies of the U.S. economy. Topics include the theory of the firm, market structures, and current economic issues such as income distribution, antitrust policy, poverty, the farm problem, and international trade.

Prerequisite(s): BUS 010 strongly recommended.

A study of accounting theory and procedure and the preparation of financial statements for corporations. Subjects include present value concepts and the measurement, recording, and presentation of cash receivables, inventory income, fixed assets, and intangible asset transactions.

Prerequisite(s): BUS 002 or permission of the instructor.

A continuation of BUS 101 that includes a study of long-term liabilities, stockholders' equity transactions, and preparation of the cash flow statement.

Prerequisite(s): BUS 101.

This course is an introduction to spreadsheet applications for business, economics, and accounting. Emphasis will be placed on spreadsheet basics such as creating, organizing, and linking worksheets; editing and formatting cells; entering data; creating simple formulas; using simple functions (e.g., average, sum, fill, etc.); and with the Excel Chart Wizard, creating basic graphs. Students will gain a fundamental understanding of spreadsheets and their functionality as preparation for business, economics, and accounting courses.

BUS 105 Management (3 hours)

Students examine the process of achieving organizational goals by working with people and other organizational resources. Students explore the history of management and the environment in which managers operate. Classroom discussion focuses on the basic managerial functions of planning, organizing, leading, and controlling.

An introduction to descriptive and inferential statistics. Topics include gathering, organizing, interpreting, and presenting data with emphasis on hypothesis testing as a method for decision making in the fields of business and economics. Procedures examined include z-tests, t-tests, ANOVAs, correlation, and simple regression.

Prerequisite(s): Demonstrated proficiency in high school algebra or permission of the instructor.

Pre or corequisite(s): BUS 103 Spreadsheet Applications.

BUS 107 Marketing (3 hours)

Students examine the role of marketing in society with an introduction to the fundamentals of strategic marketing planning and the development of the marketing mix. Topics include buyer behavior, market segmentation, distribution, pricing policies, communication strategies, and product development.

A study of the nature and function of money, monetary theory and policy, and financial institutions; and a survey of the historical developments that have affected the U.S. monetary system.

Prerequisite(s): BUS 010.

This course will review the basics of effective oral and written communication and apply these basics to business writing and presentations. A variety of individual and collaborative projects, including memos, letters, and reports, will emphasize the process of drafting, revising, and editing business communications.

Prerequisite(s): Sophomore or junior standing.

A study of methods used in allocating costs and expenses to operations. The course involves the comparison of cost data with predetermined budgets and standards.

Prerequisite(s): BUS 002 or permission of the instructor.

A topical course designed to investigate relevant subject matter not included in any of the standard courses. The title and content will be determined by current mutual interests of students and faculty. This course may be offered to meet a requirement for a major only by approval of the program director.

This is a research course. The student initially meets with the advisor to select a faculty resource person to guide his or her work and assist in an advisory capacity. Independent study may not duplicate courses described in the catalog.

BUS 240 Finance (3 hours)

Students are introduced to financial management of proprietorships, partnerships, and corporations. Concepts of risk and return, time value of money, and stock and bond valuation are analyzed from a quantitative approach and applied throughout the course. Additional topics covered are the cost of capital as related to discounted cash flow, capital budgeting, and strategic financing decisions. A project consisting of several spreadsheet applications will be utilized in order to expose students to their potential for financial analysis. Topics covered include: basic financial statements, financial ratio analysis, time value of money, valuation and rates of return, the cost of capital, and capital budgeting.

Prerequisite(s): BUS 002, BUS 010, junior standing, and MATH 010 or higher, or permission of the instructor.

This course covers the basic concepts and practices used in the field of international finance including differences in both customs and operating procedures between the United States and its trading partners. The focus will be on the international monetary system and emphasis on the role of international finance in multinational corporations, financing foreign operations, foreign investment analysis, country risk analysis, government currency control, exchange rates, and arbitrage.

Prerequisite(s): BUS 010 and BUS 011.

Students are provided with a background in investments, including the types of securities available to investors today in the money and capital markets and the security markets where they are traded. Fixed income and equity securities are analyzed from a quantitative perspective. Additional topics include various approaches to common stock analysis and open and closed-end investment companies.

Prerequisite(s): BUS 240 or permission of the instructor.

Students will examine bank management from a practical perspective. This includes the organization of the banking system, the evolution of bank regulations, and the perspectives of bankers and regulators toward these rules. Trends in banking and its competition and liquidity, loan, and investment management will also be studied. Students will discover the unique challenges confronting managers of commercial banks as they operate within various competitive markets.

Prerequisite(s): BUS 240.

A three-part seminar dealing with corporate finance, investments, and bank management. This course is considered to be the final course prior to job entry for a student who wishes to pursue a career in finance.

Prerequisite(s): BUS 240 or permission of the instructor.

A study of the general principles of law as they apply to daily transactions and a consideration of such subjects as contracts, bailments, negotiable instruments, and personal and real property. This is the required business law course for the Business major.

Prerequisite(s): Junior standing or permission of the instructor.

A survey of legal principles applicable to the business entity, with emphasis upon corporate bankruptcy and reorganization. Specifically designed to meet the needs of prelaw students and students who plan to attend graduate school. This course does not fulfill the business law requirement for Business majors.

Prerequisite(s): Junior standing or permission of the instructor.

This course studies advanced topics in providing and utilizing accounting information in the planning and controlling of business operations, in costing products or services, and in providing quality to customers. Students also study how this information is utilized to create value through improved decision-making from decisions regarding inventory to profitability analysis to long-term capital investments. This course also studies the use of financial information, as well as non-financial information, to evaluate business performance, strategy, and implementation.

Prerequisite(s): BUS 160 or permission of the instructor.

In this course students examine the organization's production function - planning and controlling the transformation of resources into goods and services. Using both a strategic and an operational perspective, this course includes discussions and applications in both the manufacturing and service sectors. Topics include forecasting, production processing, resource allocation, critical path analysis, inventory control techniques, and total quality management.

Prerequisite(s): BUS 105 and BUS 106.

This course provides a conceptual framework for understanding behavior within the organization. Students explore behavior at the individual, group, and organizational levels. Units of analysis include personality, leadership, conflict, motivation, power, and politics.

Prerequisite(s): BUS 105.

This course is taught from the leader's decision-making perspective with an emphasis on the marketing manager's role in the development and analysis of goal-oriented marketing strategies. Students explore how marketing decisions impact the overall development including market research, promotion, pricing, distribution, and competitive strategies.

Prerequisite(s): BUS 107.

Application of behavioral science theories, concepts, methods, and research findings to the understanding and prediction of consumer behavior as the basis for decision making by marketing managers. Designed to provide additional insight into sociological, psychological, and environmental factors affecting the consumer decision process and their importance to marketing strategies.

Prerequisite(s): BUS 107.

This course provides an investigation of the opportunities and challenges facing American companies seeking to expand their markets across international boundaries. Analysis includes a study of international marketing barriers, cultural patterns, adapting the product line to international markets, selections of channels of distribution, pricing strategies, and international communication strategies.

Prerequisite(s): BUS 107.

Focuses on developing the appropriate mix of promotional tools used in marketing communications, including advertising, sales promotions, public relations, sponsorship, point of purchase, and personal selling. Examines the relationship of promotional strategies to the communication process. Students develop an integrated marketing communications plan for an area business.

Prerequisite(s): BUS 107.

An in-depth study of current policies and problems in human resource management. Subjects include human resource planning, recruiting, selection, training, management development, compensation, discipline, labor relations, equal employment opportunity laws/regulations, and human resource management policies.

Prerequisite(s): Junior standing or permission of the instructor.

Labor legislation, labor trends, and many controversial and contemporary human resource management problems are explored. The course is taught by case method along with lecture and general discussion of selected topics related to current personnel problems and trends. The cases used are designed to demonstrate the student's ability to apply sound human resource management concepts and principles in arriving at effective and workable solutions to complex contemporary problems.

Prerequisite(s): BUS 270.

This course investigates ethical issues and moral dilemmas found in the modern business arena. The conflict between an organization's economic performance and its social obligations are studied. Various economic theories, legal regulations, and philosophic doctrines are discussed. Contemporary Western moral philosophy, historic and contemporary Christian ethics, and social theory provide a context for the course. Case studies are integrated throughout the semester.

This course presents collective bargaining as an agreement making, an agreement administering, and an agreement enforcing action between labor and management. Collective bargaining principles are analyzed through lectures, class discussion, and guest speakers. Application of these principles is provided through the actual bargaining of a labor contract.

Prerequisite(s): BUS 270 and junior standing or permission of the instructor.

Students use multidisciplinary business skills to identify, analyze, and execute practical management solutions to the various problems and opportunities of a small business enterprise. The major project is preparation of an actual business plan. Lectures, cases, and guest speakers from the community help provide students a clearer understanding of the link between theoretical studies and the practical world of business.

Prerequisite(s): BUS 001, BUS 105, BUS 107, and junior standing or permission of the instructor.

This course integrates all prior accounting, business, and economics courses as final preparation for the student's entry into the business world or graduate studies. Case studies and computer simulations are utilized to enable students to gain an understanding of business operations and the application of business principles.

Prerequisite(s): Senior standing Business student, and BUS 001, BUS 002, BUS 011, BUS 103, BUS 105, and BUS 107, or permission of the instructor.

A topical course designed to investigate relevant subject matter not included in any standard courses. The title and content will be determined by current mutual interests of students and faculty. This course may be offered to meet a requirement for the major only by approval of the program director.

This is a research course. The student initially meets with the advisor to select a faculty resource person to guide his or her work and assist in an advisory capacity. Independent study may not duplicate courses described in the catalog.

Prerequisite(s): Senior standing or permission of the program director.

BUS 297 Internship (3 hours)

Each student must work with the Business intern coordinator to obtain a business-related internship related to the specific area of emphasis or interest of the student. This course presents each student the opportunity for work-related application of business interest.

Pass/Fail only.

Prerequisite(s): Junior or senior standing and permission of the program director.